South Korea

Radio astronomy in Korea can be said to have started with the construction of the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) in the mid-1980s. With the construction and operation of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) in the 2000s, radio astronomy in Korea entered a new stage. Based on its broad experience from cm to mm wavelengths in the construction and operation of KVN and TRAO, KASI with astronomers in Korea is seeking ways to contribute to the construction and operation of SKA.
KVN Telescopes

SKA's potential fascinated Korean astronomers, as did astronomers in other countries. To respond to this, KASI participated in the EU-Framework program prepSKA with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea, and continues to support SKA-related research activities. Currently, KASI is participating in SKAO as an observer on behalf of Korea. The SKA Korea team, composed of researchers from KASI and Korean Universities, is preparing to contribute to fields directly related to SKA observation, such as broadband data transmission and processing, as well as studies on SKA regional centers using cloud computing and future technologies such as PAFs. From the early universe to the present, especially in the fields of HI distribution, AGN, cosmic magnetism and transients, KASI and Korean astronomers are preparing for the SKA era.

Korea Group Picture
Última modificação em 16 June 2022